One of the most important things for a father-coach to do is to establish clear boundaries and expectations from the start. This includes setting rules and guidelines for behavior and performance, as well as setting expectations for the team as a whole. Additionally, it is essential to communicate with the team and the parents of the other players about the role of the coach and the expectations for the team.

Another key element to being an effective coach is to remain objective and unbiased when it comes to the child’s performance. This means not showing favoritism or giving preferential treatment to the child, and instead treating all players equally and holding them to the same standard. It is also important to provide constructive feedback and criticism to the child in a way that is not overly critical or harsh, but rather supportive and encouraging.

A BIG question we get is when should a dad NOT coach his son’s baseball team.  There are several situations in which a father should not coach his son’s baseball team.

  1. If the father lacks the necessary knowledge, skills or experience to coach: It is important for the coach to have a good understanding of the game and the ability to teach and instruct players. If the father lacks this knowledge or experience, it may not be in the best interest of the team or the child to have him coach.

  2. If the father cannot maintain objectivity and impartiality: A coach should be able to remain impartial and objective when it comes to the child’s performance. If the father finds it difficult to separate his role as a parent from his role as a coach, he may not be able to provide the child with the guidance and support they need.

  3. If the father and son’s relationship is not healthy: Coaching can be a great way to bond with a child, but if the father and son’s relationship is not healthy, it may not be the best idea for the father to coach the team. Coaching a team can put a lot of stress on a relationship, and if the father and son are not able to communicate effectively, it can cause additional problems.

  4. If the father’s coaching style is too aggressive or demanding: Being a coach requires a balance of being demanding and supportive. If the father’s coaching style is too aggressive or demanding it can cause the child to feel demotivated and lose interest in the game.

  5. If the father and son have different expectations or goals for the team: It’s important to have a clear understanding of what the father and son expect from the team and what their individual goals are. If they have different expectations or goals it can cause conflict and make it difficult for the father to coach effectively.

In general, if a father is not able to maintain objectivity, impartiality and healthy communication with the child, it’s better for another coach to take the role.  If the coaches son is one of the bottom third players on the team as it relates to skill and baseball ability they can still coach the team, but favoritism has to be guarded against.  The spotlight on this issue will be on and for all to see, so the coach, son, players and parents all hav not be on the same page and be treated fairly.

It’s also important to remember that the main goal of youth baseball is to have fun, learn new skills and build character. A father should only coach if he is able to create a positive environment and help the child achieve these goals.