Choosing the Right Baseball Bat

Choosing the Right Baseball Bat

Hitting with a wood baseball bat versus a metal baseball bat is a topic that has been debated for decades. Both types of bats have their own unique set of benefits and drawbacks, and the decision of which one to use ultimately comes down to personal preference and...
Challenges of a Dad Coach

Challenges of a Dad Coach

One of the most important things for a father-coach to do is to establish clear boundaries and expectations from the start. This includes setting rules and guidelines for behavior and performance, as well as setting expectations for the team as a whole. Additionally,...
Behind the Plate

Behind the Plate

As a catcher, you are responsible for not only catching pitches, but also for calling pitches, blocking balls in the dirt, and working with the pitcher to control the game. Here are some tips and drills to help you become a better baseball catcher: Proper stance and...