To protect a young pitcher’s arm from injury, it is important to practice proper mechanics and not to overuse the arm. This can include using proper warm-up and cool-down techniques, avoiding throwing too many pitches at high speeds, and limiting the number of innings pitched. It is also important for the pitcher to take time off between games and seasons to rest the arm. Additionally, it may be helpful for the pitcher to work with a coach or trainer who can teach proper technique and monitor the pitcher’s arm health.

There are several arm care exercises that can help prevent throwing injuries. Some examples include:

  1. Shoulder strengthening exercises: These exercises, such as rotator cuff exercises, can help strengthen the muscles around the shoulder and improve stability.

  2. Scapular stabilization exercises: These exercises help to keep the shoulder blade in the correct position, which can reduce the stress on the shoulder.

  3. Elbow strengthening exercises: These exercises, such as wrist extensions and flexions, can help to strengthen the muscles around the elbow and improve the stability.

  4. Flexibility exercises: Stretching exercises can help to improve flexibility and range of motion in the shoulder, elbow, and forearm.

  5. Plyometrics: Plyometric exercises can help to improve explosive power, which can help to improve the speed and accuracy of throws.

It is important to consult a physical therapist or coach to ensure you are doing the exercises properly, and that you are not doing exercises that could further harm the arm.  At Gameday, we are always available to ask any questions or to provide your player with pitching lessons and arm care instructions.  We can be reached at

Cardiovascular exercises, such as running, cycling, or swimming, can help pitchers in several ways.

  1. Endurance: Cardiovascular exercises can help to improve a pitcher’s endurance, which can allow them to throw more pitches without getting tired.

  2. Recovery: Cardio workouts can help reduce muscle soreness and aid in recovery after a game or practice.

  3. Weight management: Cardiovascular exercises can also help pitchers maintain a healthy body weight, which can help to reduce the stress on the arm and other joints.

  4. Overall health: Cardio workouts can also help improve overall health, by reducing the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

It is important to note that while cardio exercises are important, they should not be the only form of exercise a pitcher does. Pitchers should also focus on strength and flexibility exercises specific to the arm and shoulder to reduce the risk of injury.

The use of arm resistance bands can be an important part of a pitcher’s training and injury prevention program. Resistance bands can provide a number of benefits for pitchers, including:

  1. Strengthening: Resistance bands can be used to strengthen the muscles in the shoulder, elbow, and forearm, which can help to improve pitching velocity and control.

  2. Improving flexibility: Resistance band exercises can also be used to improve the flexibility and range of motion in the shoulder, elbow, and forearm, which can help to reduce the risk of injury.

  3. Improving mechanics: Resistance band exercises can also be used to help improve the mechanics of the pitching motion, which can help to reduce the stress on the arm and improve performance.

  4. Convenience: Resistance bands are lightweight and portable, making them a great option for pitchers who want to train on their own or while traveling.

It’s important to note that while resistance bands can be a helpful training tool, they should not be used as a replacement for proper technique, rest and other forms of exercise. It’s always best to consult a coach or a physical therapist to create a comprehensive arm care program that includes resistance band exercises, and to ensure the exercises are done correctly and safely.

The next question we get at Gameday is how many pitches should a pitch throw in a game.  The question of how many pitches youth players should pitch in a game is a complex one, as it depends on a variety of factors such as the age, skill level, and physical maturity of the player. Additionally, there are no universally accepted guidelines for the number of pitches that youth players should throw in a game. However, some general recommendations and best practices can be discussed.

First, it is important to consider the age of the youth player. Young players, such as those in Little League, may not have the physical maturity or strength to handle the same workload as older players. Therefore, it is recommended that younger players throw fewer pitches per game. As players get older and physically mature, they may be able to handle a higher pitch count.

Another important factor to consider is the skill level of the player. A more experienced and skilled pitcher may be able to throw more pitches in a game than a less experienced player. However, it is still important to monitor the pitch count and not overuse the arm.

In addition, it is important to consider the recovery time between games. Youth players should not pitch in consecutive games without adequate rest, as this can increase the risk of injury. Therefore, it is important for coaches and parents to monitor the pitch count and schedule rest days for players.

According to a study published by American Sports Medicine Institute(ASMI), for youth baseball players aged 9-14, it is recommend that pitchers not exceed a total of 85 pitches per day, with at least 1-2 days of rest per week. We actually recommend much less for our younger pitchers age (9-12).  And for youth players aged 15-18, it is recommended that they not exceed a total of 95 pitches per day, with at least 1-2 days of rest per week.  Remember to listen to your player and ask them frequently how their arm is feeling.  Most won’t be honest if they are experiencing pain.  Watch their actions as they speak louder than their words!

Lastly, a lot of us older guys grew up watching Nolan Ryan pitch.  How could a guy like that throw 100+ MPH pitches for all those years without arm issues?  Nolan Ryan, who is considered one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history, is known for his longevity and ability to avoid arm injury throughout his 27-year career. Some of the factors that may have contributed to his ability to avoid arm injury include:

  1. Proper technique: Ryan was known for having a smooth and efficient delivery, which put less stress on his arm. He also had a strong focus on mechanics and worked closely with coaches to ensure that his technique was correct.

  2. Strength and conditioning: Ryan was known for his rigorous strength and conditioning regimen, which helped to keep his arm strong and healthy. He also incorporated exercises to improve his flexibility, which helped to reduce the risk of injury.

  3. Rest and recovery: Ryan was also known for taking care of his arm between starts, and for being very cautious about throwing too many pitches. He also took time off between seasons to rest and recover.

  4. Genetics: Ryan had a naturally strong and durable arm, which is considered to be an important factor in avoiding arm injury.

  5. Experience: Ryan had a lot of experience in the game and knew how to pitch and how to protect his arm, he also had a great understanding of his own body, which helped him to know when to rest and when to push himself.

It’s also important to note that while Ryan’s arm was durable, he did experience some injuries during his career. He also had surgery on his elbow to remove bone spurs. However, his ability to avoid serious arm injuries over the course of his long career, is considered to be one of his greatest accomplishments.